Citizen Diplomacy during the summer

Although summer in Palestine is very hot, we consider it a special time of year. Various local produce are ready for harvesting, starting early on with lemons and almonds, going through apricots and fakous (a vegetable in the cucumber family) among others, and culminating with the legendary olive harvest after that, around September. The summer […]

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World Week for Peace in Palestine

As part of its mission to build a culture of nonviolence in Palestine, staff from the Wi’am center often participate in efforts to create an international witness to life here. This past week we attended a very important event- a solidarity service at the Cremisan Monastery for the World Week for Peace. Last week at […]

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Discovering yourself

Wednesday, the Wi’am staff joined with Sarah from Cambridge, England, for a very creative morning. The workshop began with an artistic exercise. Staff and volunteers each drew a tree on a sheet of paper using crayons, pens, and colored pencils. Each part of their tree represented a part of their experience; the roots were our […]

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