Wi’am Christmas Message 2011

Is there room for the Palestinians in the Inn, the UN INN? The essence of Christmas is warmth and security for the afflicted, the homeless, the marginalized and all the downtrodden. This is the Spirit of Christmas, as Christ recited from the prophesy of Isaiah: “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he […]

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Fresh Looks at the Palestinian Statehood Bid

Fresh Looks at the Palestinian Statehood Bid By Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of Wi’am The Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center Interviewed by Gabriella Kaiyal-Smith What do you believe will be the steps the Palestinian government will take when the UN General Assembly opens on September 23rd? Will  the Palestinian government  be able to secure the required 129 […]

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Citizen Diplomacy

Wi’am would like to expand its activities and involvement in citizen diplomacy. We see many tourists and pilgrims visiting the Nativity Church, but kind of overlooking the situation in Palestine or just daily life there. Therefore we would like to encourage more tourists and pilgrims to meet with local people, the living stones, to talk […]

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