As we are approaching Christmas, we are still searching for solace and tranquility that we cannot grasp in the holy Land. We are still inundated with uncertainty, fear, and injustices that pervade our life and make it hard on families and children to having coping mechanisms. Being the case, we find Christmas time as an outlet to restore smiles and create a time for celebrations and joy among children and the needy.
In order to create an atmosphere of hope and joy among families, we are planning to organize a Christmas Event that strives to create a space for celebrations and an opportunity to live the meaning of Christmas. We need to resonate the “message of Angels: “Peace on Earth”.
Your contribution towards the fulfillment of our Christmas message and the success of this Christmas event will be very much appreciated by children and their families who are deprived of any means to enjoy Christmas. please find more information in the following link:
Thanks in advance
Please Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information