Dear friends and family,
We are happy to share with you our latest bi-annual report. In this document you will find a brief outline of our activities and engagement since the beginning of 2024. We share this report as our minds and hearts continue to be heavy, burdened with the suffering of too many peoples in the world, and locally with the ongoing genocides and travesties committed against people, especially in the Gaza Strip.
The first half of 2024 has been accompanied with continued sadness and shock as we witness the atrocities of war, genocide, and occupation. The lack of intervention internationally has signaled to every Palestinian that our lives, like too many in the Global South, are not equally measured nor protected. Instead, many have come to understand that our lives and livelihoods are an Israeli governmental issue, for its government and its international mobilizers to decide on alone. As such, we view the work of Wi’am and the continued resilience of the Palestinian communities, locally, nationally, and internationally as a direct form of resistance and action against this reality and injustice.
In the backdrop of these tragedies, we reaffirm our universal right to life and to self-determination. We further assert our beliefs in the transformative power of dialogue, and continue to call on all governments of the world demanding that they cease any acts of injustice, and that they understand that true security is found in ending oppression, not in monopolizing coercive power or partaking in the security dilemma of international politics. Finally, we add our voices to the masses already crying out, understanding that we are all born free. From Gaza to all corners of the world, we will all be free.
With this in mind, we hope you will enjoy reading about our work, and that you will consider further supporting Wi’am and its beneficiaries through volunteer opportunities and adoption of our programs and center. For those choosing to support our work financially, you will find some helpful links below:
For Check/Mail donations, please send them to 534 Cherry St., Lansing, Michigan, USA, 48933.
For information on direct and wire transfers, please email us at and place “Transfer” in the email title.
Thank you for your generous contributions and support. We look forward to welcoming you to Bethlehem, and look forward to sharing coffee and tea, conversations, and comradery. All are welcome.
With gratitude and steadfastness,
Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center