Our work combines traditional Arab methods of resolving conflicts with techniques taught in international schools of conflict transformation.
Learn MoreChild Protection Policy
This Child Policy has been produced by Wi’am as a practical learning tool and set of resources for that explores some of the key principles and issues relevant to child protection, as well as outlining the steps that are needed in order to implement, report, monitor and protect children from both intentional and unintentional harm. Acknowledgements Wi’am Center would like to thank CAFOD for their full support to the production of the policy.
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Educational and Cultural Tours
Learn about the Holy Land from the people who inhabit it, through our workshops and tours.
Learn MoreWi’am Code of conduct
For the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, fraud and corruption and abuse of power
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Giving Tuesday: Give for Peace
The holiday season is upon us, and Wi’am could not be happier to have the opportunity to celebrate life, hope, and family. Our friends and family in the United States are gathering to give thanks for their blessings, just as we at Wi’am are giving thanks for the support of our friends and family worldwide. […]
Continue ReadingThe Music Will Never Leave our Hearts
Every full moon is an excellent opportunity for our colleague Usama Nicola to lead tours in the wilderness. This week was especially bright, as the ‘supermoon’ seen around the world afforded even better views of the beautiful Palestinian landscape. Usama regularly leads tours throughout the Holy Land, visiting Palestinian cities and communities, hiking in the […]
Continue ReadingBeautiful Gardens and New Friends
The seasons are changing, and Wi’am has been visited by a group of volunteers from a Methodist Church in Oklahoma, USA. The extra hands, together with our current group of international interns, spent the week cleaning up our grounds and gardens, just in time for the Fall. Our outside spaces are now free of weeds […]
Continue ReadingWorld Week for Peace 2016
الاسبوع العالمي للسلام دعوة عامة يسعدنا في المنتدى المسكوني التابع لمجلس الكنائس العالمي والائتلاف الوطني للمؤسسات المسيحية في فلسطين مع (و) الشركاء في المجتمع المدني دعوتكم للمشاركة في “الاسبوع العالمي للصلاة من اجل السلام” “لتسقط جميع الحواجز و الاسوار” و ذلك يوم الخميس 22 ايلول الساعة 16:30 في ساحة مركز وئام الفلسطيني/ مقابل جدار […]
Continue ReadingCelebrating a Successful Summer Camp 2016
Wi’am’s Summer Camp 2016 took place during the whole month of July. We mobilized our own staff, as well as local and international volunteers to run the activities that helped develop the physical, mental, psychological, and social aspects of a child’s life. Our aim was to improve the immediate and future quality of life for the children through educational, recreational, and cultural activities.
Continue ReadingKindly requesting your support for our Children Summer Camp Project, 2016
“To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch…to […]
Continue ReadingChristmas Smile Appeal, we will not allow the Grinch to steal Christmas!
As we are approaching Christmas, we are still searching for solace and tranquility that we cannot grasp in the holy Land. We are still inundated with uncertainty, fear, and injustices that pervade our life and make it hard on families and children to having coping mechanisms. Being the case, we find Christmas time as an […]
Continue ReadingKindly requesting your support for our Children Summer Camp Project, 2015
Part of Wi’am’s yearly Summer Camp project for underprivileged children in the area, we kindly ask you to take a look at our plans for the 2015 Summer camp activities. Our aim behind the activities is to reach children who had no access to safe space for playing, interacting and learning. Children deserve our care […]
Continue ReadingA Word from Wi’am: Christmas is a message of Hope and Defiance
A Word from Wi’am: Christmas is a message of Hope and Defiance A cave baby was born in Bethlehem. He is the symbol of simplicity and down to earth personality. He represents the poor, the marginalized, the downtrodden, the neglected, the persecuted, the forgotten, and the oppressed. Indeed, Christ was born in Bethlehem under the […]
Continue ReadingChristmas message
Dear Friends, I hope that this message finds you well in this Christmas Season! As the year comes to a close and we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ at Christmas, I hope that you will join us at Wi’am in praying for that all may have a home and a place to […]
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